Instructions for Getting a New Study Provisioned in TrialKit
There are two reasons a new study might be needed:
A new project will be starting and a new study is needed in TrialKit to begin building
A copy of an existing study needs to be made for UAT or training purposes
TrialKit allows a complimentary testing/training study for every production study. No steps are needed for this. Simply use the Study manager to create the study copy.
For new studies that need to be developed, Production studies can be requested from CDS as follows:
Fill out a Study Request Form.
CDS will review the form and generate either a Proposal or a Software License Agreement (SLA), as indicated by Client Requestor.
The Requestor, and any other contacts listed on the form, will receive a link to either a proposal or SLA document via email. If it is a Proposal and it is acceptable to the Client, CDS will then create an SLA.
Once SLA has been generated:
The Client Requestor will complete all assigned fields, as required.
The SLA will be automatically routed to next reviewer/signatory.
Upon Client completion and signature, the SLA will be automatically routed to CDS for countersignature.
CDS will provision TrialKit study database in accordance with dates agreed to in executed SLA.
Client will be able to freely move the study status to “Live” within TrialKit.
If any help is needed after the SLA has been executed, contact CDS Support at or via the Help widget in TrialKit.