Database Merge Reports

Merging CRF Data Into a Document or Report

TrialKit has the ability to create templates for memos, letters, or documents that can be merged with patient-specific records (data).

Prerequisite: User has access to the Report Builder

Web Browser:

  1. Click on Reports>DB Merge Reports.

  2. Click on Edit to display the template of the report in the white work area below.

  3. Select Correct site from the Site drop-down (if applicable).

  4. Click on Subject to merge into the report.

  5. Click on Merge and Create Report.


The following describes the codes available to be used in your report:

Change Form
[!{'current form' : {'name' : 'ENTER FORM NAME HERE' , 'visit' : '-1'}}!]  

Note -1 in the string above means unscheduled visit.

The Visit ID can be found under the Study Menu / Go to Create or Edit Scheduled Visit Application. The DBID column number is the visit id where the form is located.

Text Field
[!{'field': {'name' : 'FIELD NAME'}}!]


Interval: [!{'constant': {'name' : 'interval_name'}}!] 

Image Field
[! {'image_field': {'field_name':'Field Name', 'width':'500', 'height':'300'}}!]

Table from One to Many Form
[!{'table': {'form_name' : 'Field Name', 'fields' : {'1' : 'al_act', '2' : 'al_datetime', '3' : 'al_dist', '4' : 'al_dir'}}}!] 

Table from One to Many Form with interval included in table as column

[!{'table': {'form_name' : 'Follow Up', 'fields' : {'1' : 'FU_DATE', '2' : 'FU_REASON', '3' : 'PAINLEVEL', '4' : 'COMMENTS', '5' : 'interval_name'}}}!]

Use Constant
[!{'constant': {'name' : 'sub_profile_id'}}!]

Avoid Page Break
<div style="page-break-inside: avoid">
[! {'image_field': {'field_name':'sp_image', 'width':'500', 'height':'300'}}!]

Must have the following string in your document to declare an end.
Declare End of Document