Central Repository for Accessing Background Export Jobs

Prerequisite: User has access to Reports > Background Export Jobs

Background Export Jobs is a table that lists the export jobs or processes that have been initiated from various areas of the system. These jobs process in the background so you can continue working on other items in the system while they run. Once completed, this table is where the status can be referenced, or the file can be downloaded if applicable.

Columns are described in the figure below as follows: (Sort order is from newest to oldest)

  1. Description - Type of report in the queue.

  2. Host - Host that the report is pulling data from.

  3. Study - Study that the report is pulling data from.

  4. User - The user who ran the report.

  5. Job Start - Date and Time of job start.

  6. Job End - Date and Time of job end.

  7. Job % Complete - Percent complete of the report at that moment in time.

  8. Job Status - Status of the report at that moment in time.

  9. Display - Download or click to view the report.

  10. Rows - Rows of the report to display in the report.

Reports and processes that use Job Status Report include the:

  • Study database creation (copied from some source study)

  • Report Builder exports

  • Data Management Report

  • Study Progress Report

  • Record Status Report

  • Rebuild Missed Visit(s)

  • Volume batch record locking

  • Study Close Out

  • Extract All Study Data

Jobs older than 90 days will be removed from the log