Accessing and Using the TrialKit Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) for Referencing DICOM Files

TrialKit's PACS is useful for studies where imaging is involved, using the DICOM standard files.

Access is based on study licensing and the study having been built to provide its users with the mode of uploading and opening existing DICOMs within subject casebooks. 

Uploading DICOMs

The PACS can be accessed via Buttons on subject forms. The location and requirements of that button depend on the study setup.

Here's an example where a DICOM is requested on a procedure form and then reviewers can later access them in the same place:

Tapping the button will provide a window for both uploading files directly to the PACS or open existing files for the current subject.

Tapping an existing file will open that file and any others within the same series:

Once open, scroll through the current series, or use the toolbar at the top to perform various actions. 

Read more here about the viewer tools.

Accessing DICOMs List per subject

Within a subject's casebook, the list of all DICOM files can be accessed via the button at the right side of the screen.

This will open a list. Tap the file name to open the viewer, or download the file locally to use an external viewer (permissions required).

View or export DICOMs for the study

To get a report of all DICOMs uploaded across all subjects, use the file repository report.

To export the Dicoms details and tag data to a JSON file, a web service is available via GET dicom/4/<dicom_id>