Conditional Action - Event Trigger and Event Terminate

Triggering an ePRO Event Schedule of Forms Based on a Specific Condition in Another ePRO Form, and Then Conditionally Terminating the Event

Within the context of ePRO forms being collected from study Participants, the two conditional action types "Event Trigger" and "Event Terminate" make a powerful tool. It allows a study Builder to trigger, based on any condition in any form, a specified event schedule

Example: A Participant is filling out a daily diary and indicates they have a "severe" skin rash. That response will trigger an "Event" where a schedule of other forms will now deploy for collection. 

Event Trigger

Select the Event Trigger type and then set the following properties described below:

Event - Which Event Schedule to trigger if the condition is met.

Notification - When the event is triggered, which notification message should be sent to the ePRO subject. Notifications are separately defined (read more here).

The notification message should be configured as plain text, not using HTML. If HTML is used, the message will only be delivered via email. Push notifications or SMS will not work

Distribution List - Which distribution list to use for deploying. This must contain the subject/patient user role in order to be subject specific where the notice only goes to the subject and not to all users under a role.

Important Points:

  • If a form is serving as a trigger form (meaning any field on the form has this conditional action)  that form will be available to participant users at all times ('Always Available'). No eDiary configuration is necessary to make the form available. However, the trigger form will only display based on the starting interval of the event that it's triggering and the study exit date.
  • The visit date field on the form should include time (date+time field). That date/time is what is used to compute the intervals(s) that follow.
  • The condition for a triggered event should be based on a choice field or a numeric-based field (number or scale). Conditions based on a date or text will not work. The reason for this is because if something is getting triggered, it is most helpful for it to be based on some measurable value over time.
  • If multiple event trigger CAs are configured on the same form - meaning the form can trigger multiple event schedules - the event schedule configurations must have the same starting interval.

Deleting an Event Trigger CA

If an event trigger CA has been saved on a form, deleting it should be done with consideration of the following points:

  • There is no reversal. Be sure to save the form when done. 
  • Delete any related terminating conditional actions (discussed in the next section).
  • Should delete any reporting objects using that conditional action.

Event Terminate

Similar to the event trigger, this action will terminate a given event.

Select the Event Terminate type and the set the following properties described below. The conditional action can be on any field within the form, but usually makes the most sense to be on the field that is serving as the condition. This makes it easy to find later if reference is needed.

Name - The name for the current terminate CA. This can be anything.

Trigger Form - Which form triggered the event that now needs to be terminated.

Conditional Action to Terminate - The name of the Conditional action that was used to start the triggered event that is now being terminated.